Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More Marathon Pics

Thanks Theresa for these wonderful pics.


Anonymous said...

This day was so exciting! We were so proud of Jimmy. I remember looking over at Ma and she was crying, for what at the time seemed like for no apparent reason. I asked her what was wrong and she said it was because of why we were there. It was a reminder that Dennis was really sick. To look at him you would have never known. He was having more fun than anyone else there. He wanted to run alongside Jimmy when he passed by us. The funny part was we waited for hours to see him and he ran by so fast we almost missed him. I remember thinking if Jimmy can train for and run a marathon, all within a year, Dennis could beat this. We were hopeful until the very last second and so was Dennis. One thing we know is that Dennis did everything he could do to stay here and Jimmy did everything he could do to keep him.
I love you both.
LOve, Mary

Anonymous said...

Mary you are so right, They both did the best they could. As did all of you! I remember that I wasn't sure if I was going to go or not and at the last minute I got ready and made it to the train station in time to meet your Mom and everyone. Dennis' spirit was so up he was so happy everyone came, and he was so proud of Jimmy it made me so glad that I went! That day was so much fun everyone there supporting Jimmy who inturn was supporting Dennis, What a good time everyone had. I remember your Dad and Mom were so happy your Mom joked about running it this year and even though she was sad for why Jimmy was running she was so very proud of him too especially when he finished it! I remember standing with Adam and laughing and joking Wow!
I Love You, Auntie Paula

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see a picture with Dennis and Adam side by side. Godbless them both and all of you. I'm sure they are causing some trouble behind those pearly gates. Peace Gina