Monday, December 10, 2007

Good Times


Anonymous said...

The first picture is Dennis and my family at our first Christmas eve together at my sister jane's house. It was one of many happy times together. Dennis and I were only together about 6 months but that night he proposed to me. When he ever pulled out the ring I was stunned, but so happy.About 9 months later we were married. I look at this picture and can't believe his gone. Dennis and I were together 10 1/2 years and I can honestly say that I never lost that special feeling you get when your first with someone. I still couldn't wait to see him at the end of a day. Know relationship is perfect but over the years Dennis and I were just at such a good place. So I keep telling myself if I was only going to get 10 1/2 years with Dennis. We had something more special than most people have in a lifetime. I miss you so much, Love Jodi xooxoxox

Anonymous said...

You dont know me but I just had to tell you how touched I am for the love the two of you had for one another. Everytime I read something that you write it brings me to tears. May God Bless you and the girls and May Dennis Rest in Peace.

"A million times you'll need him a million times you'll cry if love could only saved him he never would have died."

Be Strong Jodi