Sunday, February 3, 2008

Little Dennis


Anonymous said...

Our girls look so much like Dennis' baby pictures. Especially Alana and Mia. They had alot of dark hair just like Dennis when they were born. He liked that all our girls looked so much like him. I would say to him from time to time that the girls have certain things that look like me and he would look at me with that smile and tease me and say " Come on Jodi their all me." I love that they look so much like their daddy because I feel like I get more of a constant reminder of Dennis. We love and miss you so much Dennis, Jodi & the girls oxox

Anonymous said...

You and Dennis look alike! We always laughed and said that he loved himself so much that he found someone who looked just like him! :)
It is so nice to see so much of him in the girls.
This picture is so cute, he made that face his whole life. That's the Dennis face, as we call it.
I tell ya, we always teased my parents saying the he was their favorite and I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was always the running joke in the family. He just made them so proud and was such a good son. He was always there for them, always on their side and able to help us all see their side while respecting how we felt too. He was the peacemaker. Now that he's gone, we all have to learn how to get along w/out him. We've all grown stronger and closer through this as a family. We'll always think of him if an issue ever arrises where he would have helped us through. We'll all think about what he'd do and what he'd want us to do. He has really made us better people. Without him we have to be strong on our own and make peace on our own. I know he's with us and watching it all go on and I hope he's happy and proud.
I miss him so much.