Tuesday, January 8, 2008



Anonymous said...

What a cute little snowman!
I love you girls~soooo much!

Auntie Kelli

Anonymous said...

You girls did a great job building your snowman. He looks great and you two look like your having so much fun in the snow. Stay warm.

Love (cousin) Rhonda

Anonymous said...

I love you girls!
Love,Auntie Mary

Anonymous said...

Alana and Elise were so proud of there snowman. They couldn't wait for Dennis to get home from work to show him. He made such a big deal of there snowman when he did get home. He was always there biggest fan. The feeling was mutual. We miss you so much Dennis. Love Jodi& the girls oxox

Anonymous said...

I hope that everytime you build a snowman that you will always remember how happy you made your Daddy. And he will always send snowflakes from heaven for his little girls so you will always remember how much he loved you. Love and kisses Auntie Paula