Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kid at Heart


Anonymous said...

These pictures are great, he truly is a kid at heart. We love him so much and miss him so. Always thinking of you Dennis and smiling just as you would of wanted us too. Love Cousin Rhonda

Anonymous said...

All the kids loved Uncle Dennis. Back when he was a young single guy, before he had kids of his own, he would always come with these big crazy gifts for the kids birthdays. Usually stuff I would never buy, like a playdough table. I wish I could pay you back for that.I won't torture Jodi though!haha!

I remember one year Kelli and I were young Moms and it was Mother's day and he brought us flowers along with Nana. It was so nice. I had the container it came in for years, I wish I knew where it was now. Thanks Dennis. I miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

I remember that Mary!
Remember he bought one of the kids a talking teddy bear, probably $100 at the time. He had to be the BEST godfather because as Jimmy has said in the past-- if Dennis was going to do something he had to be the best at it!
I just remember him walking in at Christmas with these big elaborate gifts. And we would laugh at him, thinking of this young guy going toy shopping and spending way too much money.
He was a very generous man. He just wanted to make people happy.


Anonymous said...

Katie, keep up the good work, these pictures bring a smile to my face and listening to you and your sisters talk about him, my heart just melts, we miss him so much. I love going to this website everyday, please keep it going on and on. I am so proud to be your cousin. You all are so remarkable. Love Rhonda

Anonymous said...

I so glad we have the memories of the Bahama trip. We didn't know it but it was our last trip together as a family. Tommy, Carla, Carmen, Christy and all of our girls had more laughs on that trip. What's ironic about this trip is Dennis and me and the girls applied at least 11 weeks or so for our passports. Well, they never came in the mail. We ended up running around 5 days before our trip to every town hall possible to get all new birth certificates to bring them to boston to re-apply. It seemed like everything was against us that day. Magically, everything worked out. Something from above must of said give this family this last trip together. Thank god for those memories. I love you Dennis- Jodioxox

Anonymous said...

We had soooo much fun at your wedding. Without hesitation me and Jodi jumped up onto our husbands shoulders even though we were wearing dresses. We had to win that dance off challenge and I can remember how we set the tone for everyone for the rest of the night. We felt like mini celebrities all night. People that didnt know us would point at us as we walked by. When you were with Dennis it was always a rush. People always gravitated to him and because of that he was so much fun. When we are out now it feels so empty at times. I am always looking over my shoulder its strange. Me and Jodi are all about dancing, we have ALWAYS been that way but we need our boy up there with us...he took it to the next level. It's just not the same. It's so funny but I can see already that Elise and Mia have his moves and Alana has his flair for performing. I will cherish that. I really love this song Katie..great choice..
Den I miss your moves... crazy Janie