Saturday, January 12, 2008

Go Pats!


Anonymous said...

Love You Dennis and Adam...
I hope you're having fun tonight.

Anonymous said...

Tonight watching a Patriot's game won't be the same without Dennis' by my side. It's been a really hard day. These are the types of events Dennis looked so forward to. Not just because he absolutly love football also because he loved hanging out with all of the special people in our lives. I can still hear him saying were are we going to watch the game. He would make hanging out and watching a Patriot's game with him the place to be. He just had that extra something special that made you want to be around him. I can honestly say being his wife and seeing him every single day. I never got sick of Dennis. Dennis always kept me wanting more. That's what makes all of this so much harder. He was such a big piece of me and with that gone I fill so sad and empty but for Dennis I will brush myself off and put a brave face on and try to go hang out with some of our wonderful friends and family and watch the Patriot's like Dennis would do! I Love You Dennis-Jodi oxox

Anonymous said...


I don't know you or or family but I have been to Dennis' blog on numerous occasions. Something about you and your love for Dennis is so touching. Anyway you are a true hero. I can see why Dennis loved you so much.

You have seen some of the darkest days with the loss of Dennis. But I know the future can only be so bright for you and your beautiful girls. You are such a shining star and the future can only bring happiness and good fortune because you are such a wonderful person. Plus you have Dennis looking down on you and your girls with a luminous light only he could bring. May your future hold nothing but true happiness and peace you so much deserve. You truly are an inspiration to everyone who knows you and even those who don't. I wish I had the magic words to make your pain go away and show you that the future can only hold brightness, even though you will never forget Dennis nor should you. He was a great person who married his equal.

I pray for you, your girls and Dennis' family that you each find inner peace and that the pain will dull with each passing day. It will take time but I truly believe your brightest days are yet to come. Dennis is looking down upon all of his loved ones being so proud of what a great family he has. How much love there is and that this love will see you through this terrible time in your lives.

I believe we all have a mission in life and when we have done our job God takes us so that we can find eternal peace. It seems Dennis' mission was to show people love, how to live good lives and to be the best you can be and enjoy life no matter how hard it gets. He left such a legacy that if someone lives to be 100 they probably couldn't have touched as many lives as Dennis has.


Anonymous said...

Wow that was so inspiring! Thank You so much for your kind words as Dennis' Aunt I want to thank you for your support and for putting into words what so many of us were thinking but were unable to express it so nicely. Paula
Jodi I am so glad that we got to spend some time together today it means a lot to me. Thank You Love, Auntie Paula

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such kind words of support. I am extremely touched by your words. I have said it before I was extremely lucky to have been Dennis' wife. Knowing what I know now that we were only going to get 10 1/2 years together. I still would not have changed a thing. Dennis was worth every minute. I might be the saddest girl right now but having Dennis as my soulmate and having the three beautiful daughters that we created together. In some ways I am and was the luckiest girl. People say life goes on and I know it does but there will never be a minute that I won't think about Dennis. With having someone so great, that was the love of my life and everytime you look at your daughters that are all such Dennis. To me there is know such thing as getting over it or moving on. It will always be with me. I just want to have some peace someday with all of this. I know the key word is TIME and that I have alot of with the challenge of raising our 3 daughters without Dennis. I have know choice than to be up for that challenge. Plus, I don't want to let Dennis down or our girls. He would say if any thing happens you need to go on for the kids and be strong. I feel like any strength that I have learned. It was from the Dennis himself. Walking along side Dennis for those years. I have a big shoes to fill. I hope I make him proud. I love you Dennis and miss you so much, Jodi oxox P.S. Auntie Paula, It was so nice to sit and talk with you. Your words and support are always so caring and insightful. More importantly they come from experience and that means so much to me. You are one strong woman. Love you, Jodi

Anonymous said...


You are truly one of the luckiest girls to have married Dennis and to have created such a beautiful family/daughters. Most woman would never have the love or friendship you and Dennis shared in a million years. God took Dennis way to soon but he gave Dennis a blessed life by having such a wonderful, caring and beautiful wife and family. You could tell from this blog how proud Dennis was of you, still is and will forever be because of who you are and how you are raising his beautiful children. You are so sad now but in the future please know that you will think of Dennis with only a smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye at the great memories you created and he left behind. A piece of him is in each of your daughters so he will never really be gone. Again I pray every night for you and your family to find peace in dealing with such a great loss.

Even though Dennis is not with you in the physical sense he is with you every second of the day guiding you giving you the strength to go on and being oh so proud of you. I don't think you could ever let Dennis down no matter what. You saw him through some of his darkest days and was his strength when he needed you most.

KEEP STRONG AND KNOW THAT THIS PAIN SHALL PASS. I know it seems like you will never feel whole again but time does heal all though you never forget your loved ones especially someone so powerful and great as Dennis.

I don't even know you or your family and you are so powerful that you have touched my heart with your strength, love and devotion. You are an amazing person. All of Dennis'family and friends are also because of the way they hold Dennis in their hearts and minds and will never let him go.

God Bless you all forever.