Thursday, December 6, 2007


...I find myself coming to this site and doing a lot of reminiscing about the old times in Beachmont. When we were kids, it was a really fun and happy place to grow up. There were so many fun memories, it would be hard to write them all down.
I do remember being really young and cheering for the C squad for Pop Warner. The girls all had to choose a name of a player to cheer for. I chose Dennis' name. We were really young and most of the girls only knew of the boys from their area. Broadway girls chose Broadway boys, and so on. By the time we were cheering for B squad, most of the girls were basically ready to fight to have Dennis' name. He was genuinely a really nice person and a great athlete...not to mention his devilish smile and good looks-- the girls too notice. Of course, being a Beachmont chick and feeling entitled, I kept his name through cheering on the A squad.
Jen Jones

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the smallest guy on the field and he hit like a truck and he was never scared to hit someone that was twice the size of him