Before Dennis had surgery last week, he told Jodi and the doctor that he was "hungry for life." If you know Dennis, you know that he has always savored life. He loves his family, friends, and having fun. He has always lived life to the fullest. He has such a vibrant personality that has inspired us all.
One quote has now turned into a full-fledged fundraising tool. Everyone is familiar with the hugely popular, yellow Livestrong bracelets. So why not make one in honor of Dennis and others who are battling cancer?
All proceeds will be donated to The Rich Children's Trust Fund. The bracelets should be here by the end of this week. They are blue in color(Dennis' favorite) and are $5 each. They come in adult large, adult medium, and in youth.
I am willing to mail bracelets.
I have a feeling that I am going to be getting lots of orders so please email requests to, rather than in the comments section below.
BE SURE TO INCLUDE IN YOUR EMAIL: QUANTITY, SIZE, AND YOUR MAILING ADDRESS. You can mail payment to me. I will email you that address when I receive your email.
This is a simple way to honor Dennis and to honor the way he has chosen to live his life. We just can't take anything for granted. We have to remember that.
Katie, we all want one. one lg adult, 3 adult med, and three youths.
What a great idea. We would like 3 bracelets. An adult large, med and 1 youth. I will pass the website on. Talk to you soon.
Love, Lisa, Seth & Tayla
Definately - This is one way we can help and honor Dennis - Send us 5 adult - We love you Katie!
Can you reserve 1 adult lg, 1 adult med and 3 youth.
Katie we want 4. 1 adult lg, 1 adult med and 2 youth....
Kelly, jimmy and the kids....
I'd like 1 lg, 2 med & 2 youth please.
LOVE IT!!!!!
Kelli xxxoo
Katie- You have done such an incredible job honoring your brother!
Please order me 2 youth and 2 large and I would love to take some to work and around our community and sell as many as I can. I can't think of anyone who deserves to be honored more than Dennis. He has set such a huge example for all of us. His hunger for life, his positive attitude and his compassion for others has truly set him apart from the rest. Judging by the amount of people who have flocked to the hospital to support him and his family I am sure we can put a huge amount in the bank for his 3 precious girls. I love you Katie- keep up the great job
Hi Katie,
I would like to order seven adult and three children bracelts to start.
Thank you,
Brenda M.
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