Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Daddy & Alana

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dennis loved his girls more than anything in this world. Last spring Alana recieved Communion. A week before I tried Alana's dress and tiara and veil on. We came down the stairs to show daddy. Dennis the tough man that he was, was so taken back with emotion. It was like it was Alana's wedding day. Maybe in his eyes it was her wedding day for him. Knowing he probably had thoughts he might not be here for that day. I'm glad he got to see her and be here for her Communion. He loved his 1st baby girl Alana so much. He always looked at all our girls with such pride and love for them. The same way we always looked at him. We love you Daddy (Dennis), Jodi, Alana, Elise, & Mia oxox