Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dennis & Jodi


Anonymous said...

I look at my strong and handsome husband. How could this happen. We had still so much to do as a young family and couple. It's just not fair. What I would give to just still be battling cancer with Dennis. I would take that in a second. Just to see his face and here his voice again. Sorry to be a downer but the last couple of weeks have been even harder. Reality is setting in hard. Dennis was always my comfort and support. I've just been hugging my girls a little bit tighter. Thank god for them. Dennis always said I was a sucker for a hug. I love you Dennis. Until we meet again. I hope your waiting to give me the biggest hug!

Anonymous said...

Each day is harder and harder for you right now but I know that your love and undying devotion to Dennis and the family you created will pull you through. Looking at these pictures it is even harder for me to understand why two incredibly beautiful people (inside and out) could not be blessed with years and years together. When I look into the faces of Alana, Elise and Mia I ask my self inside- WHY-HOW?
The hardest thing through all of this is that there is absolutely no way to justify what happened to Dennis. He was just so great in so many ways. His voice haunts me every single day and when I feel myself starting to cry I take a deep breath and try to take myself into happy thoughts of Dennis- the thoughts that make me smile because thinking about his last few weeks which I know you are right now are way to painful and I honestly dont know when or how you will start to feel just ok
but I promise are not have a fan club of family and friends that are ready and willing to do whatever it takes. I just wish I knew what "whatever it takes" is.
Who ever thought that you and I would ever be where we are today?? It's a long long way away from 2 little girls playing barbies & dress up together- sleeping in the same bed talking all night long. We helped each other through some very hard times way back then. Dennis gave you an amazing life and 3 incredible daughters.
He gave you so much to live for. He would be so proud of how you have kept going these past weeks. He was such a great friend to me and I have learned so much from him. I miss his love and support and could really use it right now. I know that there may be darker days lying ahead but we will get through them together just like those 2 little girls once did so long ago. You gotta go on- Stay strong is the quote he used..Let's live by it..
I love you with all my heart
Janie x0x0

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something that I could say or do to help you through this rough time but I know that there isn't. Just know that he loved you so very much and that you gave him a great life and beautiful children {making him whole} and you where there as a comfort to him in a time where he needed you the most. You are right to hug the girls and cherish them, as he did for all of you! When such a great man leaves us the void is felt by so many, because only someone as loving and nurturing could have touched so many hearts as Dennis did. You are not really alone although I know that you feel like you are. No one feels the day to day loss like the wife but try to stay focused on the girls and find time to grieve because you can't keep it in you it will tear you apart! Know that I as well as many others are here for you and we love you so much.
I love You, Auntie Paula

Meredith said...

I want to say something that will make you not hurt so much but I know that isn't possible. Dennis should be here, nothing else is right. I loved hanging with the two of you, the way you bounced off each other with the stories you would tell was hysterical. Well you would start but Dennis would always have to finish because he would tell you, you took to long. When I start to think about all that has happened and the sadness gets too much I think about the night the four of us went to the Continental. I think about Dennis’s “little pin prick story” and I can’t help but laugh out loud. Then with you saying VERY loudly how nice it was that these people have a place to go. I treasure that night now. I wish we could have more of those nights. I wish I met you and Dennis sooner so we could have had more time. I wish for a lot of things for you and him. I love you Jodie and I loved Dennis. I will be here when ever you need me.